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Author Guidelines

It is explicitly agreed that any manuscript submitted to AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PERINATOLOGY has not been published elsewhere or submitted simultaneously to another journal (except in abstract form). All manuscripts submitted to the journal will undergo an evaluation process by one or two reviewers.

Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.

An editor may desk reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly. The title should be concise and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.

1 - Nature of the manuscript

  • article . It may or may not be part of the thematic file of the booklet. It does not exceed 20 typed pages and 50 references .
  • Focus article. It does not exceed 15 typed pages and 20 references. Apart from a few essential references, the literature analyzed is that of the last 5 years. The update is a review of recent practices, a general summary of the actions to be taken on a given subject. The review texts are therefore shorter and their bibliopgraphy is more recent than for the review articles.
  • Original article. It does not exceed 15 typed pages and 30 references. The aim of the original articles is to report research results, to give answers to scientific questions by following a particular methodology (objectives, material and method, statistical analysis, results, discussion).
  • Point of view – debate – testimony. It does not exceed 6 typed pages and 10 references. Its purpose is to defend a point of view, report an experience or launch a debate. Summary if relevant.
  • Clinical case. It does not exceed 6 typed pages, 2 tables or figures and 20 references. He is signed by at most 5 authors.
  • Letter. The text does not exceed 6 typewritten pages, 1 table or figure and 5 references. It is signed by at most 3 authors. It does not include a summary.
  • Recommendations. 15 typewritten pages and 30 references.
  • Congress reports. They do not include a summary and do not exceed 8 typed pages. Up to 10 references can be accepted .
  • Press reviews – Briefs. They cite as a reference the publication(s) analyzed and do not exceed 5 typed pages.

2 - Presentation of the manuscript

The text can follow the usual writing method:


However, it can also be simply divided into chapters, subdivided into paragraphs by subheadings.

The figures are provided in digital format (Photoshop, Illustrator, or Word) in a resolution of minimum 300 dpi and at dimensions requiring no enlargement exceeding 130%, no reduction less than 70%. If the framing must be modified, it is necessary that a mention in the file informs the editorial staff. The same applies if the file must be rotated.

The patient's name must be hidden and, as an absolute rule, a patient must not be able to be recognized in a photograph, nor by any other medical data, unless expressly agreed to by the patient. Figures or tables borrowed from another article or book chapter may only be reproduced with the written consent of the authors and the publisher. The numbering is in Arabic numerals for both the figures and the tables.

3- Bibliographic references

The set includes only the references cited in the article. The references are classified according to their order of appearance in the article, with numbering. The bibliographical reference [cited in square brackets] is made directly in the text. International standards are used as follows:

For a work:

  • Author's name in lowercase followed by a space and the initial of the first name (Dupont J). If the reference has 2 to 4 authors, a comma will separate the initial of the first name of the first and the last name of the second. If there are more than 4 authors, only the names and initials of the first 3 authors will be indicated and then followed by “et al”.
  • Year of publication in parentheses.
  • Full title followed by a period. In the case of a chapter or part extracted from a work, indicate after the title “ In: ” followed by the name(s) and initial(s) of the main author(s) (followed by 'a comma) and the title of the work followed by a period. Publisher (followed by a comma), place of publication (followed by a comma), and cited page numbers separated by a hyphen.

Example: For an article:

  • According to the Vancouver reference standard
  • As before for first and last names.
  • Year of publication. Full title of the article. Title of the journal (abbreviated if possible, following the international nomenclature of the Index Medicus ). Volume followed by a colon, without a space before the colon, followed by the numbers of the pages concerned separated by a hyphen.

Example :

In the body of the manuscript, work or article titles may appear.

4 - Publication

After rereading, the text is accepted with or without corrections. It can also be refused with argument. Once the manuscript is accepted, it can no longer be published in another journal, unless agreed by the editorial board and the publisher. If the text needs to be modified, it must be returned to the editor-in-chief within 10 days. Secondly, proofs will be returned to the authors for proofreading.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • there first page includes the names and initials of the authors, their institution and address, as well as the contact details (telephone and electronic) where they can be reached; then on the second page : the title of the English article, followed by a summary (250     words maximum) and key words (5 maximum) in English, or in French and English in the case of article submission in French.
  • The author is responsible for translating the summary and key words into English (which will be corrected in the event of difficulties);
  • the articles are typed in 21 x 29.7 cm format, in Times font or equivalent, size 12, double-spaced (i.e. approximately 1,600 characters including spaces per page);
  • the submission must contain only the file(s) of the article selected for publication, and all the text (excluding images) must be included in a single file;
  • when typing, never use advanced functions of the software such as automatic insertions of characters, fields, footnotes or images;
    •    figures and tables must be saved on separate files in case of online submission (preferably in JPEG or “TIF” format for illustrations): these files will be inserted at the end of the manuscript in case of submission via email .









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