At last a journal for perinatologists of Africa


  • Koki Ndombo Author
  • Anne Esther Njom Nlend Author


It is with an incredible joy that we present to the scientific Community of African researchers and actors working in the perinatal field, this journal, a tool of expression for the Cameroonian society of perinatal medicine and regional partner scientific societies.

This publication, which coïncidés with the celebration of the 5th anniversary of our organization, reflects its maturity and celebrates the enthusiasm of all its members.

The first five years of this network have seen  the support of several collaborators and experts from the African region, particularly from Senegal through Prof Ousmane Ndiaye and from Tunisia via  Prof Asma Korbi to whom we express our sincere gratitude.

As a dedicated space for sharing operational research and studies, in addition to continuous medical education, the African Journal of Perinatology will facilitate the pooling of resources of all stakeholders, helping duplication of promising experiences and translation of evidence from operational research into innovative actions of public health with high level of impact.

This will further enable us to achieve the sustainable development goals for the health of mothers and their newborns in Africa.


So, to our feathers!




How to Cite

Koki Ndombo and Anne Esther Njom Nlend 2024. At last a journal for perinatologists of Africa. The African Journal of Perinatology. 1, 1 (May 2024), 1.