Clinical Features and Favorable Outcomes of Neonatal Jaundice in Full Term Newborn following intensive Phototherapy at a Tertiary care hospital in Yaoundé, Cameroon.


  • Aicha Elsa Tchomgang Author
  • Annie Carole Nga Motaze Author
  • Suzie Tetang Ndiang Author


Objective: to analyze the clinical and immediate outcome of neonatal jaundice in full term newborn (FTNB) after intensive phototherapy (IP).

Method: cross-sectional descriptive study from June 2016 to May 2017 in FTNB admitted for jaundice. All eligible patients treated with intensive phototherapy. Main measures: clinical and biological outcome.

Results:71 FTNB babies were included, prevalence rate at 9.7%. Median post-natal age at admission:3.6 days. Median level of total serum bilirubin varies from 21mg/dl with 15.4% > 25mg/dl to 8.4mg/dl after intensive phototherapy equalling 30% reduction. ABO incompatibility (56.6%) was the main etiology.

Conclusion : Hospital incidence of severe jaundice remains high in Yaoundé. IP ends with favorable outcomes in most cases.







How to Cite

Aicha Elsa Tchomgang et al. 2025. Clinical Features and Favorable Outcomes of Neonatal Jaundice in Full Term Newborn following intensive Phototherapy at a Tertiary care hospital in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The African Journal of Perinatology. 1, 3 (Feb. 2025), 220–226.

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