Fetal macrosomia at Gabriel Toure hospital: prevalence and perinatal prognosis


  • Traoré Fousseyni Author
  • Togo Boubacar Author
  • Dicko-Traoré F Author
  • Diakité Aabdoul AZIZ Author
  • Tati Simaga Author
  • Abdoul Karim Doumbia Author
  • Cissé Mohamed El Mouloud Author
  • Pierre Togo Author
  • Coulibaly Oumar Author
  • Diall Hawa Author
  • Sidibé Lala N'drainy Author
  • Traoré Kalirou Author
  • Idriss Laoita Author
  • Sacko Karamoko Author
  • Maiga Belco Author
  • Konaté Djeneba Author
  • Sylla M Author


Fetal macrosomia, complications, neonate, Mali


Introduction : Macrosomia is a concern in the daily practice of the neonatologist. The aim of this work was to investigate the sociodemographic, clinical and survival aspects of macrosomic neonates.

Method : It was a retrospective and descriptive study that ran from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2019. We included all macrosomic neonates hospitalized in neonatology service during the study period.
Results : Forty-six macrosomic newborns were included, accounting for a hospital frequency of 0.71%.  The predominant maternal age group was 20-29 years. Pregnancy was monitored in 73.9% of cases. Gestational diabetes represented 30.4% of cases. Pregnancy term was not specified in 43.5% of cases, and was exceeded in 6.5%. The main complications recorded were a caput succedaneum observed in 41.3% of cases, clavicle fracture in 10.9%, cephalohaematoma in 6.5%, humerus fracture and obstetric brachial plexus palsy in 2.2% each. Hypoglycemia was observed in 39.1% of patients, 13% of whom died. Newborns were hospitalized for perinatal asphyxia in 52.2% of cases, followed by neonatal infection in 47.8% and respiratory distress in 41.3%. At least a quarter of newborns (26.1%) were resuscitated at birth. The average hospital stay was 5.39 ± 2.9 days, with extremes ranging from one to twelve days.

Conclusion : In our context, we recorded a low rate of fetal macrosomia. The risks and complications are very similar to other studies in literature. Improvements in follow-up of pregnancies will ensure early recognition and management of risks during delivery.

Key words: Fetal macrosomia, complications, neonate, Mali.


Conflict of interest: none to declare


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How to Cite

Fousseyni, T. et al. 2024. Fetal macrosomia at Gabriel Toure hospital: prevalence and perinatal prognosis. The African Journal of Perinatology. 1, 1 (May 2024), 26–33.